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By supporting the Foundation, You help us to save memory places and artifacts that are left over by the activity of KL Auschwitz – Birkenau concentration camp from being forgotten. Our shared cooperation will help to save those silent witnessess of the tragic events for future generations.
Category: News
On 11 and 14 April we were visited by the fourth grade students of Primary School No. 2. of Nicolaus Copernicus in Brzeszcze. Together with their teacher, Mrs. Jolanta Górka, they became acquainted with the exposition in the historic bath house Jawischowitz sub-camp, prepared by our Foundation. Tutor of the group made closer to pupils the story of the sub-camp, the fate of the prisoners, and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Mostly, young people enjoyed the collected artifacts, which completed the picture lessons that Mrs Górka prepared for them.
Education is one of the most important objectives of the Foundation, we are delighted that the Directorate for Team School and Kindergarten No. 5 in Brzeszcze benefited from our services. The purpose of our Foundation is to create an educational program that accordingly to the age and vulnerability of the students pass the knowledge of the Auschwitz-Birkenau and its sub-camps. In our opinion, the share of schools and teachers in the implementation of the task is essential, and completed lesson is the best proof. The Foundation invites another groups willing to visit the exhibition and participate in future educational endeavors.